Angel’s Portraiture


Angel’s Portraiture

There are moments as a photographer that the creative process grants you the opportunity to be inspired and energized by someone else’s journey and story. Many people see photography as a one-dimensional picture; there are few that can see the artistic traits and dimensions of a picture. There are stories behind each of the faces that you see staring back at you.

I experienced this with my latest model, Angel, as we finally got to the studio after months of conflicting schedules. Her story inspired me and taught me that there are no obstacles that cannot be conquered through determination and a good support system.
For Angel, that support came from her grandmother who raised her and instilled in her the beauty of strength, independence, and perseverance; despite the many challenges she endured earlier on in life such as an ailing health, poverty, as well as gender and racial bias.

Aside from modeling and pageantry; Angel is a pharmacist, musician, and volunteers her time to numerous charities. Her accomplishments are vast as she continues to add to her repertoire. She is truly a beautiful woman inside and out. Rarely do we get a glimpse into a model’s life, but I hope hers gives you the inspiration to pursue your goals and dreams as it has influenced me in pursuing mine.

Model: Angel Bhathal

Hairstylist and Makeup: Tazeen Din

Photographer: Rachel Okot